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ISO 31030 travel risk management – UK, US and French approaches


Now that the world has begun to re-open, we might occasionally catch ourselves remembering lockdowns and Friday night country risk categorisations as a thing of the past. Over the past two years, we have seen planes grounded, the hospitality industry brought to its knees, and holidays and overseas travel for work cancelled. As corporate travel […]

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British standard on modern slavery: key expectations for legal, compliance and senior management


At the end of September 2022, almost seven years after the introduction of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, standard 25700:2022 of the British Standards Institution (BSI) came into effect, offering guidance and recommendations on organisational responses to modern slavery. As explained in the first part of our four-part series on the standard, the standard provides […]

Nick Vamos

Repeat of Anne Sacoolas virtual proceedings unlikely – Nick Vamos in the media


Nick Vamos, our head of Business Crime & Investigations, has been quoted extensively in the media, commenting on the unprecedented decision to allow the killer of Harry Dunn to appear in court entirely remotely from start to finish.   Nick is a former Head of Extradition at the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and, since 2021, […]

Keith Oliver

“Fickle, False and Full of Fraud”: The UK is on the brink of recession – will fraud be on the rise?


The UK has had a tempestuous few months, including a new Prime Minister and monarch all in one week, and instead of now slowly cruising into calm waters after weeks of change, is hurtling towards even greater uncertainty with the veritable fiasco that is the British economy at the moment. With the risk of a […]

Neil Swift Thinking

Economic crime – what firms need to know about the government’s reforms


Regulated businesses will need to take heed of the proposals contained in the brand new Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill 2022, which should become binding law, without any significant changes, in the near future. The bill, which is the latest in a string of recent instruments introduced by the UK government as part of […]

Peters & Peters

2022: the year of the greenwashing investigation?


Twelve months ago, most legal commentators would have looked to their crystal balls and felt on relatively safe ground when predicting 2022 as the “Year of Covid-fraud enforcement”. While, at least in the UK, that is yet to eventuate in any meaningful way, a less expected development has been the global regulatory focus on “greenwashing” […]

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New British standard gives guidance on organisational responses to modern slavery


On 30 September 2022, almost seven years after the introduction of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, standard 25700:20221 of the British Standards Institution (BSI) came into effect. This offers guidance and recommendations on organisational responses to modern slavery. The standard, which applies to all organisations regardless of type, size and activity, recognises that drivers for tackling […]

Rachel Cook

AI and the SFO: What could possibly go wrong?


The digital age has permanently changed the way in which criminal investigations are conducted. As people and businesses make greater use of technology, so grows the volume of material the police and prosecution bodies receive when an investigation begins. This is an important issue for the Serious Fraud Office (SFO), which often receives upward of […]

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Keeping up with the Krypto


Earlier this month, Kim Kardashian settled an investigation by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) into unlawful cryptocurrency advertising. The billionaire reality TV star had posted on Instagram, promoting a cryptoasset, but had failed to disclose that she had been paid $250,000 for the post. The mistake cost her a $1.26 million fine by […]

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Peters & Peters contributes chapter to International Comparative Legal Guide – Business Crime 2023 


The International Comparative Legal Guide – Business Crime 2023 has come out. This edition covers common issues in business crime in 22 jurisdictions.   Neil Swift, Joseph Duggin and James Tyler have contributed the chapter for England & Wales. The chapter, which is free to view, covers:   – General Criminal Law Enforcement – Organisation […]