Neil Swift, Craig Hogg and Katie Jones discuss, “Failure to Prevent Market Abuse : A feasible new corporate criminal offence” in Corporate Briefing


The idea of criminalising corporates for ‘failing to prevent’ financial misfeasance has, in recent years, been put forward as a cure-all for tackling economic crime; however, it remains unclear whether such an approach would be viable, or indeed desirable, in the context of market abuse. Careful consideration needs to be given to the existing FTP […]

Jonathan Tickner, Neil Swift, James Gardner and Amalia Neenan discuss the implications of the removal of banking services under UK civil and criminal law in Wealth & Finance International


Financial crime is one of the biggest threats facing the global economy. The 2019 Crime Survey for England & Wales indicated that 3,863,000 fraud offences were committed last year alone, with a high number of cases also unreported. The sheer volume presents law enforcement authorities with an impossible burden were they to investigate and prosecute every offence. […]

Head of International Keith Oliver and Legal researcher Amalia Neenan discuss the phenomenon of facial recognition technology in the time of social distancing in Al Business


In 2015, Bill Gates gave a Ted Talk on the biggest threat to the human population. Not a war. But a virus. Today, we live out this prediction. In 2018, Bill Gates’ company, Microsoft, was the first tech giant to warn of another threat to our way of life: facial recognition technology. Without proper regulation, […]

We are delighted to announce that Peters & Peters has been ranked in Legal Business in the London specialist firms : Client service score top 20


A recent survey of legal clients has revealed that boutique and specialist firms are outperforming the larger firms on a range of criteria including lawyer/team quality; sector/industry knowledge; and billing and efficiency, as well as consistency of client feedback. One client said about Peters & Peters, ” their advice is practical, creative and informed by […]

Head of Commercial Litigation and Civil Fraud Jonathan Tickner , and Associate Holly Buick discuss why Litigation funding is here to stay in Spear’s


Litigation funding – when a third party finances a law suit in exchange for a slice of the proceeds if the case is won or settled – was thrown into the spotlight last year. Thanks to the accounting practices of one of its biggest players, Burford Capital, it has been exposed to high-profile adverse publicity. […]

Partner Anna Bradshaw is quoted in the Global Investigations Review on £20m penalties imposed by UK regulator on Standard Chartered Bank for sanctions breaches


Partner Anna Bradshaw comments in the Global Investigations Review (GIR) on the civil monetary penalties imposed on Standard Chartered Bank by the UK Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI), noting that the substantial reduction in the penalty amounts at the ministerial review stage are comparable to those seen in previous enforcement action and querying what […]

Peter FitzGerald is quoted in The Times, discussing the implications of the new coronavirus legislation


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Senior Associate Rachel Cook discusses why we should be paying close attention to Unexplained Wealth Orders in the Financial Reporter


Corporates are undoubtedly versed in complying with anti-money laundering regulations but increasingly Unexplained Wealth Orders (UWOs) should be on our radar too. With the ability to pierce the corporate veil and their powerful extra territorial reach, UWOs should be taken very seriously. Read more

Partner Anna Bradshaw is quoted in MoneyLaundering.Com on penalties imposed on Standard Chartered Bank for sanctions breaches


Partner Anna Bradshaw speaks to MoneyLaundering.Com about the civil monetary penalties in excess of £20m imposed by the United Kingdom’s sanctions enforcer, the Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI), on Standard Chartered Bank for ‘most serious’ violations of EU financial sanctions against Russia. Read more

Partner Neil Swift and Associate Craig Hogg discuss ‘Failure to prevent market abuse: a viable new corporate criminal offence?’ in Compliance Monitor


In recent years, the idea of criminalising the ‘failure to prevent’ undesirable conduct has increasingly been seen as a panacea for prosecutors looking to crack down on economic crime. But what is the viability of such a regime in the area of market abuse? Read more