Partner Neil Swift gives an insight into unexplained wealth orders for Wealth & Finance International


An unexplained wealth order (UWO) is an order requiring a person to explain their ownership of a specific asset and how it was obtained. UK law enforcement agencies including the National Crime Agency (NCA), Serious Fraud Office (SFO) and Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) have been given the power to apply for UWOs, which […]

Partner Hannah Laming discusses the role for private prosecutions in The Law Society Gazette


Private prosecutions offer an important alternative for obtaining justice, particularly in cases where state authorities have declined to investigate or prosecute an alleged crime. Read more.

Partner Hannah Laming discusses Ex-UBS Trader, Arif Hussein, losing ban appeal in Bloomberg article


“Not only does this give rise to an inherent unfairness, with more junior people taking the fall whilst more senior individuals escape unscathed,” commented Hannah Laming, a white-collar crime lawyer with Peters and Peters in London. “It also risks sending a dangerous message – that senior managers can encourage unlawful behavior with impunity.” Read more.

Hannah Laming and David Jones discuss the developing attitudes and approaches of white-collar crime enforcement agencies in the US and UK for Financier Worldwide


The past 12 months have seen a number of significant developments in relation to the attitudes and approaches of white-collar crime enforcement agencies in the US and UK. A new US administration began to shape the Department of Justice (DoJ) in accordance with its own priorities, while the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) in the UK […]

Partner Keith Oliver is quoted in The Sunday Times article “The people versus Paul Pester”


The knives are out for the TSB chief after its technology fiasco. Just how long can he hang on to his job? A class action lawsuit is possible. Keith Oliver, head of international at the law firm Peters & Peters, said: “If you can show that all these people have suffered as a result of […]

Partner Jonathan Tickner discusses clause in Heathrow third runway deal in The Times


Jonathan Tickner, partner at Peters & Peters Solicitors, said: “On its face the statement of principles is a non-legally binding document … The parties stated they do not intend to create legal relations, which is a necessary ingredient of a binding agreement. As such the document does not create rights of claim for Hal. At […]

Partner Neil Swift gives his insight into unexplained wealth orders for the Wealth Briefing


Unexplained wealth orders are designed to give law enforcement agencies the power to obtain information and recover property when they suspect that it has been obtained using the proceeds of crime or by holders of overseas public office who appear to have assets substantially beyond their means. Read more.

Partner Neil Swift discusses unexplained wealth orders and what they mean for the banking sector in the Global Banking & Finance Review


Since 31st January this year, UK law enforcement agencies have been granted a new power to require individuals to provide information on the sources of their wealth. Agencies including the National Crime Agency (NCA), Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) can now apply to the High Court for an […]

Partner Hannah Laming’s article is published in The Brief, “City watchdog needs more manpower to maintain fairness”.


With Brexit threatening to take up much of its energy, the Financial Conduct Authority will need greater resources to cope with a rise in investigations, writes Hannah Laming. Read more.

Senior Partner Michael O’Kane is quoted in Bloomberg’s article ‘Britain Targets Russian Billionaires’.


As the U.S. goes after a handful of Russian oligarchs with its latest round of sanctions, the U.K. is under pressure domestically and from abroad to tighten controls and shed its reputation as a place to launder corrupt money. Senior Partner and Head of Business Crime Michael O’Kane, says a number of Russians have recently […]