Head of International Keith Oliver talks life outside the law


In a recent lifestyle piece for the The Brief, Keith Oliver shares his passions outside of work including his love of cars, football, travel and of course his family. Keith has over 36 years’ experience at the front line of crisis management and as Head of International for the firm heads our Civil Fraud and Commercial […]

Associate Miranda Ching discusses changes to the pre-charge bail procedures in the June issue of the Barrister


Miranda examines the hidden ‘landmines’ in the recent amendments to the pre-charge bail procedures in the Policing and Crime Act 2017, which impact clients under criminal investigation. Miranda’s article explores the lesser-known amendments to the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 which have the effect of lengthening overall police bail periods in a significant manner. […]

Should the UK pay financial rewards to whistleblowers?


UK authorities have so far balked at the suggestion of introducing significant US-style financial rewards for whistleblowers. Business crime partner, Hannah Laming asks if it is time for a rethink in a recent article published by The Banker. Hannah is also quoted in a piece published by the Financial Times, ‘Foreign banks in UK to follow new rules on […]

Introduction of the Annual Financial Crime Report: Are you ready?


Business Crime Associate, Rachel Cook, discusses the introduction of the ‘Annual Financial Crime Report’ (REP – CRIM), to be used by the Financial Conduct Authority to gather information on financial crime. All firms subjected to the Money Laundering Regulations 2007 will have to submit a REP-CRIME to the FCA. Read Rachel’s full article in the […]

Getting the Deal Through: Anti-Corruption Regulation 2017


The 2017 edition of Getting the Deal through: Anti-Corruption Regulation, is now available online. Click to view our chapter, page 185. Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. Getting the Deal Through: Anti-Corruption Regulation 2017, (published in February 2017; contributing editor: Homer E Moyer Jr, Miller & Chevalier Chartered). For further information please visit https://gettingthedealthrough.com/area/2/anti-corruption-regulation-2017 

Uncovering HBOS corruption, money laundering and fraudulent trading


A former Halifax Bank of Scotland (HBOS) manager, along with a number of his associates, were recently given prison sentences for their part in a £245m loan scam. Jasvinder Nakhwal, partner at Peters & Peters, and legal researcher, Craig Hogg, explain the background to the case and consider the judgment. Read here. This article was first published on Lexis®PSL Corporate Crime on 10 February 2017. Click for […]

House of Lords’ report on the legality of the EU sanctions listings process


Senior partner, Michael O’Kane, examines the main findings of the report and the possible impact on challenging listings or sanctions compliance. Read Michael’s analysis here. *This article was first published on Lexis®PSL Corporate Crime on 21 February 2017.

Hannah Laming comments on the recommendations of a report published by the House of Lords European Sub-Committee


A report published by the House of Lords European Union Justice Sub-Committee on the legality of EU Sanctions has called for more transparency to the listings process. Business crime partner, Hannah Laming welcomes the recommendations, see her comments online here – CDR

Peters & Peters lawyers comment on ‘Key sport law case and developments to watch in 2017 – LawinSport’


Head of International Keith Oliver, Partner Neil Swift, and Trainee, Craig Hogg share their views on key sports law issues and cases in UK and Ireland for 2017. Read their comments here. Copyright: This work was written for and first published on LawinSport.com on 09/01/2017, authors Manali Kulkarni & Sean Cottrell.

US Supreme Court continues to refine scope of insider trading laws


This article was originally published by Enforcd EDB, a regulatory intelligence service for financial services firms in the UK and beyond, on 18 October 2016. As it is a subscription service, the full text of the article is extracted below. US Supreme Court continues to refine scope of insider trading laws Last week, the United […]