Partner Neil Swift invited to provide oral evidence to the House of Lords Select Committee on the Bribery Act


The Select Committee on the Bribery Act 2010 was appointed on 17 May 2018 to carry out post-legislative scrutiny of the Act, its operation and its enforcement, and to make recommendations to the Government. The committee invited members of the Judiciary, law enforcement, NGOs and the legal profession to provide oral evidence. Neil Swift’s evidence […]

Partner Maria Cronin and Associate Eamon McCarthy-Keen discuss how the ‘Industry must be clear on AFOs’ in their article published by the FT Advisor.


Since 31 January  2018, UK law enforcement has had a number of new powers at its disposal, introduced into the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 by the Criminal Finances Act 2017. These provide UK law enforcement with potentially ground-breaking new powers to freeze and recover the alleged proceeds of crime. Lesser known provisions, which involve […]

Partner Neil Swift’s article ‘The winds of change?’ in the latest issue of Incompliance discusses whether more should be done to incentivise and reward UK Whistleblowers.


Partner Neil Swift considers the different approaches to whistleblowers taken by different enforcement agencies and asks whether more should be done to incentivise and reward UK whistleblowers. Click here for the article. This article was first published in inCOMPLIANCE, the magazine of the International Compliance Association:

Partner Anna Bradshaw is speaking at the Economic Sanctions & Financial Crime conference on the 14th of November on ‘Countering Exterritoriality of US Secondary Sanctions and Jurisdictional Conflicts’


At the Economic Sanctions & Financial Crime Conference on the 14th of November, Partner Anna Bradshaw is speaking on ‘Countering Exterritoriality of US Secondary Sanctions and Jurisdictional Conflicts’ alongside Partner John Smith (Morrison Foerster) former Director of OFAC. They are touching on topics such as overview of conflicting extraterritorial US sanctions, rules and regulations; protection […]

Partner Jasvinder Nakhwal speaks at the ‘Crisscrossing the Pond; Transatlantic Issues in Legal Ethics and Law Firm Regulation’ conference in Washington D.C. regarding ‘Lawyers and Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Finance initiatives’


Partner Jasvinder Nakhwal was a part of a panel discussion on 9 November 2018 alongside Robert Driscoll (McGlinchey Stafford) and Professor Laurel Terry (Penn State Dickinson Law) to discuss ‘Lawyers and Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Finance Initiatives’ moderated by Ellyn Rosen (American Bar Association). This conference held by The Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers and […]

Partner Maria Cronin and Trainee Solicitor Philip Gardner discuss the recent case of KBR Inc v The Serious Fraud Office in The Barrister


Maria Cronin and Philip Gardner discuss the recent case of R (on behalf of KBR Inc) v The Serious Fraud Office [2018] EWHC 2368 (Admin) in which the SFO’s decision to serve Section 2 Notices on a foreign company in relation to material held overseas was unsuccessfully challenged before the Administrative Division of the High […]

Partner Hannah Laming and Associate Miranda Ching have written for the Compliance Monitor about how “A cultural shift is needed to believe the whistleblower”


Despite high-profile failures in the banking industry to operate robust whistleblowing procedures, the financial regulator has yet to show unequivocal support for those who risk their livelihoods to blow the whistle. For the full article please click here The website hosting the publication 

Peters & Peters has been listed in Best Law Firms 2019 by The Times


Peters & Peters is “arguably London’s best civil fraud litigation boutique”, according to a leading law directory, and is sought after for its wealth of experience — and its additional support in criminal and regulatory litigation, where it specialises in regulatory investigations at the nexus of civil and criminal liability. Read more.

Partner Anna Bradshaw quoted in The Times discussing the cyber-attack on the international chemical weapons watchdog


Partner Anna Bradshaw comments on the scope of diplomatic immunity for criminal offences in connection with the expulsion from the Netherlands of Russian operatives accused of hacking the headquarters of the international chemical weapons watchdog in the Hague. Read more.

Associate Peter FitzGerald has been appointed Treasurer of the Criminal Bar Association


Associate Peter FitzGerald has been appointed Treasurer of the Criminal Bar Association, the representative body for the Criminal Bar in England and Wales. Read more.