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International Comparative Legal Guides: Business Crime 2024


Neil Swift, James Tyler and Joseph Duggin have authored the England and Wales chapter in The International Comparative Legal Guide – Business Crime 2024, which is published by the Global Legal Group. This publication covers 21 jurisdictions and the England & Wales chapter deals with common issues in business crime, including criminal law enforcement, organisation […]

The FATF’s Travel Rule for crypto may not be as heavy as it seems


No, not the one where the airlines limit your bags to 23kg per person which, if you’re me, means that you must learn the word for “heavy” in multiple languages when checking in your bag (most recently, “pesada”, if you’re asking). I’m talking about the implementation of the Financial Action Task Force’s (FATF) Travel Rule […]

Diana Czugler

De-banking saga reveals banks need better communication with clients


The ripples of this summer’s de-banking saga involving a variety of famous people are continuing to be felt. In the wake of the PR storm, the Financial Conduct Authority is also conducting a review of the treatment of UK politically exposed persons (PEPs) by regulated financial institutions, which is now well under way. In this […]

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Turkey – a hub for Russia sanctions violations?


Turkey is a NATO member, an EU candidate country, and a US ally against terrorism in the Middle East, but it has also been described as a “hub for Russia sanctions violations”. The country has not joined its fellow NATO members in imposing sanctions on Russia, and, since the start of the invasion of Ukraine, […]

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Mischief of a kind: is notice of one, notice of all?


Decades may have gone by, but the phone hacking scandals of the mid-2000s continue to busy the High Court. Notwithstanding the stale nature of the underlying allegations, to this day the high-quality legal teams and careful judicial attention sustain judgments with importance far beyond the parties, with notable lessons flowing. The recent decision of Fancourt […]

Maria Cronin

Work on draft treaty for specialised global corruption court commences


At the end of the summer, work got under way to draft the core principles for a treaty to create an International Anti-Corruption Court (IACC). This is the latest development in the global momentum to establish a specialised international corruption court. However, in view of the fact that an International Criminal Court (ICC) already exists, […]

Peters & Peters

PEP account closures: where are we now?


In the past few months, the media have shone the spotlight on the issue of banking politically exposed persons (PEPs), in addition to the UK introducing tighter regulation to address the issue of PEP bank account closures and reviewing financial institutions’ compliance with existing rules. In this article for eprivateclient, Diana Czugler discusses who is […]

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Watch: money laundering in 2023 webinar


In this LexisNexis Corporate Crime webinar, Diana Czugler and Charlotte Evans discuss a range of topics, including: – Criminal offences– Reporting and other regulatory compliance obligations under UK’s main framework that is the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002– Money Laundering, Transfer of Funds and Terrorist Financing Regulations 2017 as a mandate– Brief look at recent […]

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Supreme Court unanimously upholds appeal in Republic of Mozambique ‘hidden debts’ litigation


The Supreme Court has today given judgment in The Republic of Mozambique (acting through its Attorney General) (Appellant) v Privinvest Shipbuilding SAL (Holding) and Others (Respondents) [2023] UKSC 32. In a judgment given by Lord Hodge, Deputy President of the Supreme Court, with whom Lord Lloyd-Jones, Lord Hamblen, Lord Leggatt and Lord Richards agree, the […]

Liam Lane

Acquitted in the court of law, condemned in the court of public opinion – it is time to rethink privacy rights?


In February 2022, the Supreme Court unanimously held in the landmark judgment in ZXC v Bloomberg [2022] UKSC 5 that an individual under criminal investigation “has, prior to being charged, a reasonable expectation of privacy in respect of information relating to that investigation”.1 The court acknowledged the longstanding and repeated “concerns as to the negative […]