C5 Virtual 15th Fraud, Asset Tracing & Recovery conference – P&P’s Head of International, Keith Oliver co-chairing


C5’s Virtual 15th Fraud, Asset Tracing & Recovery conference returns this year on the 23-25 March 2021. This again promises to be a fantastic event with key presentations from (amongst others) senior officials from the Serious Fraud Office (SFO), Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and U.S Department of Justice (DOJ). Our Head of International Keith Oliver […]

Biden administration to continue to seek extradition of Julian Assange – are they likely to succeed? P&P’s extradition specialist Nick Vamos discusses


Last month, a British judge ruled that Julian Assange should not be extradited to the US citing harsh conditions for prisoners in American jails. Nick Vamos says that Assange’s extradition was only barred on a single ground which is that it will be oppressive to his mental health and also at risk of suicide if […]

Why are former justice secretaries severely opposed to Matt Hancock’s 10-year sentences for breaching quarantine? Peters & Peters’ Nick Vamos discusses in The Telegraph


Matt Hancock’s 10-year jail sentences for people who lie about their travel history have been condemned as disproportionate by former justice secretaries. Under the new rules which come into force on Monday, people who deliberately conceal their arrival from one of the 33 “red list” countries may face up to 10 years in jail, the […]

Why is the UK’s Office for Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI) eyeing broader economic crimes? Sanctions expert Anna Bradshaw queries the move


Giles Thomson, who recently joined OFSI as director, says his expanded role will “ build stronger links between sanctions and broader economic crime work”. Peters & Peters partner Anna Bradshaw warns that  “Financial sanctions are a political tool, and their enforcement therefore has a political dimension that economic-crime enforcement does not have. There has to […]

Peters & Peters involved in one of the most anticipated litigation cases of 2021 according to The Lawyer


Peters & Peters are to be involved in one of the most anticipated litigation cases for 2021 according to the recent The Top 20 Cases of 2021 article by The Lawyer. Instructed by the claimants The Secretary of State for Health and the NHS Business Services Authority in its ongoing case against Servier Laboratories, the […]

The Suspicious Transaction Report podcast series returns from The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) for a third season and is proudly co-supported by Peters & Peters


The Suspicious Transaction Report is the flagship podcast of RUSI’s Centre for Financial Crime and Security Studies (CFCS) and the third series is proudly co-supported by Peters & Peters. The Suspicious Transaction Report offers ‘behind-the-scenes’ insights and practical advice on how to implement the latest financial crime research and policy developments in the real world […]

Post Brexit implications for law enforcement and judicial co-operation as emphasised by the EU – UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement


As a result of Brexit, the UK has now been excluded from the key acknowledged benefits of EU criminal co-operation, which has raised some serious questions. P&P’s Debbie Sayers provides some expert assessment and answers about the EU-UK TCA which governs the future relationship between the EU and the UK. Read more  You can get […]

Looking abroad – NCA use of asset freezing and forfeiture orders. Maria Cronin and Karl Masi discuss


With the third anniversary of the introduction of Asset Freezing and Forfeiture Orders (AFFOs) approaching, P&P’s Maria Cronin and Karl Masi examine the effectiveness and use of AFFOs, and the increased reliance of basing them on foreign convictions. Read more.

Dunn family instructs P&P extradition specialist Nick Vamos to secure #justice4harry (Telegraph, 20.01.21)


The Dunn family has appointed Peters & Peters partner Nick Vamos, “one of Britain’s top extradition lawyers”, to bolster its efforts to bring Anne Sacoolas, their son’s alleged killer, back to the UK to stand trial. Nick Vamos, who will be working on a pro bono basis for the Dunn family, says ,”there is an […]

Dunn family appoints P&P’s Nick Vamos to support the prosecution of Anne Sacoolas #justice4harry


The Dunn family have today announced the appointment of our partner Nick Vamos and former Head of Extradition at the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)  to their legal team as part of their search for #Justice4Harry following their son Harry’s tragic passing in a road accident. Nick Vamos’ appointment comes as the Dunn family intensifies efforts […]