Partner Nick Vamos is quoted in Reuters on the UK suspension of Hong Kong’s extradition treaty


The United Kingdom announced the suspension of its extradition treaty with Hong King on Monday as the dispute with China over the introduction of a national security law for Hong Kong, a former British colony escalated. Partner Nick Vamos said, “Extraditions between Hong Kong and the UK are extremely rare, so this is a symbolic […]

Webinar: Keith Oliver’s war stories from 40 years at the front


Keith Oliver will be co-chairing the ACI/C5 webinar on “war stories” on August 11 at 3pm UK time. This will be an opportunity to hear about past famous and infamous legal battles.

Associate Alice McDonald discusses a recent High Court judgment in which a fraud trial was adjourned on the basis of human rights considerations


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Senior Partner Michael O’Kane is quoted in the Financial Times about the probe into the SFO Director


The legal community, politicians and anti-corruption groups have expressed their disappointment about Suella Braveman, the UK attorney-general for staying clear of the investigation by the Serious Fraud Office into the conduct of its director despite being in charge of the agency. Senior partner Michael O’Kane agreed that the attorney-general should take a role in the […]

Partner Anna Bradshaw writes on the use of financial sanctions as a weapon for combatting grand corruption


Partner Anna Bradshaw contributes to the recently published edited collection on ‘Corruption, Integrity and the Law: Global Regulatory Challenges’, part of the Routledge series on The Law of Financial Crime.  The book is available for purchase here .

First summary discharge of extradition proceedings on basis of Article 6


Peters & Peters represented a Russian businessman, DS, in relation to an extradition request from the Russian Federation. The case was described as “quite extraordinary” by  Senior District Judge Arbuthnott. The extradition request was for DS to stand trial for his alleged role in orchestrating an attempted murder.  The person convicted of the attempted murder […]

Senior Emirati Public Official


Peters & Peters are lead counsel for a main alleged co-conspirator in the global 1MDB investigation concerning allegations of corruption in Malaysia and Abu Dhabi. Our client, a former senior public official in Abu Dhabi is alleged to have conspired with senior individuals to defraud the Malaysian public in a series of billion dollar bond […]

Partner Michael O’Kane is quoted in the Telegraph discussing the impact of US Sanctions on China on Western banks


Western banks might have to review their operations in China due to the approval of sanctions by American politicians, due to a controversial security law that has been imposed on Hong Kong. Non-US banks could potentially be charged hefty fines under the new law. Partner Michael O’Kane said that banks are “extremely nervous about falling […]

“The threat of fraud must not be forgotten”. Senior Partner Michael O’Kane discusses in The Times


There has never been a better time for fraudsters to get away with it. History teaches us that recession and serious fraud go hand in hand: global fraud rose by 20 per cent after the 2008 financial crisis, costing the global economy an estimated $2.91 trillion. The expert consensus is that the economic effects of […]

Fraud Factor Half Hour


Keith Oliver, Head of International, co-chairs the first in a series of monthly online get-togethers. A Pecha Kucha style presentation on the fraud issues of the moment, where leading fraud practitioners can reflect on the challenges we face in these extraordinary times, and promote professional friendships. Each session features different keynote guest speakers (the first being the Right Hon. Lord Briggs […]