Partner Nick Vamos discusses the Harry Dunn diplomatic immunity case on Radio 5


Partner Nick Vamos discusses the Harry Dunn diplomatic immunity case on Radio 5. Listen below:  

Head of International Keith Oliver and Legal Researcher Amalia Neenan discuss ‘The Good, The Bad and The Bitcoin’ in City A.M’s Crypto Insider


Cryptocurrency. The word evokes images of dodgy dealings on shady online platforms, with masked individuals who are always just out of reach. Throw in a mysterious case about vanishing Bitcoins and an allegedly faked death (as in the QuadrigaCX debacle) and you’ve got yourself the plot to a David Fincher-esque film, tipped for Oscar glory. […]

Partner Nick Vamos and Trainee Solicitor Stefan Ansah discuss the dangers of leaving criminal justice cooperation arrangements to the last minute during the ongoing Brexit Negotiations in Euro News


As the Brexit deadline on 31 October looms, there are still many uncertainties about the effects of the UK leaving the EU without a deal. Discussions tend to focus on trade, potential shortages and the constitutional position of Northern Ireland. Criminal justice sometimes gets a mention, and there is general acceptance that operational effectiveness will […]

Partner Jasvinder Nakhwal and Senior Associate Rachel Cook discuss ‘The politics of Russian Extraditions’ in The World Financial Review


Russian assurances on prison conditions are highly topical and have been crucial to the UK courts’ decisions in recent cases on whether to extradite individuals to the Russian Federation. Extraditions from the UK to Russia are, for the time being, at a standstill, owing to deficiencies in the independent monitoring of Russian prison conditions, which […]

Partner Neil Swift discusses the potential consequences of obstructing FCA investigations in Financial News


On October 4, Konstantin Vishnyak, a former employee of VTB Capital in London, was the first individual to appear in court for allegedly obstructing an FCA investigation by deleting relevant WhatsApp messages. It is alleged that Vishnyak, who was at the time under investigation by the FCA for suspected insider dealing offences, deleted the WhatsApp […]

Partner Anna Bradshaw is speaking on ‘Navigating Sanctions’ at the ABA CJS Eighth Annual White Collar Crime Institute in London, 14 October


On Day 1 of the annual white collar crime conference organised by the American Bar Association’s Criminal Justice Section, Partner Anna Bradshaw will be joining a panel discussion with the respective heads of the sanctions enforcement authorities in the US (Andrea Gacki, Director of OFAC) and in the UK (Rena Lalgie, Director of OFSI) as […]

We are proud to announce that we will be sponsoring the 5th Arab Lawyers Forum which is taking place in London in March 2020


We are proud to announce that we will be sponsoring the 5th Arab Lawyers Forum which is taking place on the 23rd and 24th  of March 2020. 

We are delighted to be hosting the London Tax Society presentation on the CRS (Common Reporting Standard) on 4 November 2019


The London Tax Society will be holding a presentation about the CRS (Common Reporting Standard) at Peters & Peters on 4 November 2019. Graham Davies and David Smith, Senior Tax Policy Advisers at HMRC will be speaking. Please register here

ACAMS Financial Crime matters podcast with Partner Anna Bradshaw on the EU’s Anti-Financial Crime efforts


Partner Anna Bradshaw is interviewed by the Keiran Beer, Chief Analyst at the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS), as part of a podcast series on Financial Crime Matters.  Anna discusses the anticipated impact of the UK’s departure on the EU’s present and future anti-financial crime efforts.  The full episode is available to view […]

Head of International Keith Oliver and Legal Researcher Amalia Neenan discuss the rise of Crypto-Fraudsters in CryptoGlobe


The slew of high profile crypto-frauds that have permeated the media, show that this type of crime is significantly on the rise. Cryptocurrency security firm CipherTrace, report that $1.2 billion has been stolen through various cryptocurrency-based frauds in just the first quarter of 2019, $356 million of which was exclusively looted through exchange hackings. Is […]