Partner and PPA chair Hannah Laming discusses Code for Private Prosecutors in The Law Society Gazette


Private Prosecutors have an obligation to act as ministers of justice; they must act impartially and comply with onerous disclosure obligations. However, private prosecutions give rise to issues and challenges that differ from those in public prosecutions. Whilst various legislation, codes and guidance govern the conduct of a public prosecutor, these are not always mandatory […]

Head of International Keith Oliver will be co-chairing and speaking at the C5 Fraud, Asset Tracing and Recovery annual conference in Miami in October 2019


Partner Anna Bradshaw interviewed by Kayhan Life on the seizure of Grace 1 for alleged EU sanctions breaches


The Iranian ship seized in Gibraltar on the basis of suspected breaches of EU sanctions could be sold or forfeited by order of the Gibraltar Supreme Court. Partner Anna Bradshaw says that the tanker Grace 1 and its cargo could be detained for lengthy periods under current laws enacted by Gibraltar, but the vessel and […]

Partner Jasvinder Nakhwal and Associate Kerri McGuigan discuss the use of INTERPOL by states in politically motivated cases against company executives in Financier Worldwide


The idea of an International Criminal Police Organisation (INTERPOL) began life in 1914, with a discussion between lawyers and police from 24 countries. Officially established in 1923 and headquartered in France, INTERPOL now has 194 member countries. The organisation has been designed to enable police at each National Central Bureau (NCB) to share and access […]

Partner Anna Bradshaw interviewed by Bloomberg on suspected EU sanctions breaches leading to seizure of oil tanker in Gibraltar


Following the seizure by the Gibraltar authorities of Grace 1, a supertanker reportedly transporting Iranian oil destined for Syria in breach of EU sanctions, Partner Anna Bradshaw speaks to Bloomberg about what might lie next. Read more

The Lawyer reports on the case brought by Peters & Peters on behalf of the Secretary of State for Health against Servier Laboratories


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Court of Appeal dismisses Servier’s appeal on the application of the EU law principle of Res Judicata and the extent to which factual findings are binding on the English Court


The Court of Appeal has today handed down judgment in Secretary of State for Health and others v Servier Laboratories [2019] EWCA Civ 1096. The Court of Appeal dismissed Servier’s appeal against Roth J’s decision that findings of fact made by the General Court in its judgment in Servier v Commission Case T-691/14 handed down on 12 December 2018 […]

Brick Court and Peters & Peters Seminar: Fraud, Corruption and Sanctions in International Commercial Arbitration – 11 July 2019


Thursday 11 July 2019 at 6.30pm followed by drinks Museum of London Terrace Gallery, 150 London Wall, EC2Y 5HN Jointly presented by Brick Court Chambers and Peters & Peters, this seminar will focus on the difficult issues which arise when serious allegations of fraud and corruption are made in the context of international commercial arbitrations, […]

Partner Nick Vamos is interviewed on BBC News 24 about whether the suspects accused of shooting down flight MH17 over Ukraine in 2014 could ever face justice


On 19 June 2019,  Dutch prosecutors announced murder charges against three Russians and a Ukrainian involved in the shooting down of flight MH17 over Ukraine in 2014 resulting in 298 deaths.  In an interview on BBC News 24, Partner Nick Vamos explained that it was unlikely that the suspects could ever face justice because neither […]

Partner Jasvinder Nakhwal and Associate Craig Hogg discuss international cooperation with foreign enforcement agencies, in the area of financial crime, in Financier Worldwide


Over the last 18 months, the UK has seen a number of significant changes in the area of international cooperation in financial crime matters, most notably through the widening of unexplained wealth order (UWO) and account freezing order (AFO) regimes, through an amendment made to the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, and the introduction of […]