Partner Jason Woodland and Associate Maria Cronin are chairing panels at the UIA 9th Business Law Forum in Copenhagen


The forum will consider the legal and practical challenges faced as a result of enforcement agencies’ increased focus on holding senior officers to account, as well as considering the competing interests of corporates and their employees, the gradual erosion of client-attorney privilege, and whether compliance is the answer. Read more.

Partner Hannah Laming and Associate Miranda Ching contribute to ICLG’s Business Crime guide


The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Business Crime 2019 covers common issues in business crime – including criminal law enforcement, courts structure, corporate criminal liability, limitation issues, investigations and procedures for gathering information – in 29 jurisdictions. Read more.

Partner Hannah Laming discusses legal privilege in The Times Brief


“The Court of Appeal has placed reliance on the factual context and on the beliefs of key individuals within the organisation,” she says. “It is possible that grey areas may arise in some cases where an investigation evolves over time as new facts emerge or where it is unclear at what point the specific risk […]

Head of International Keith Oliver and Partner Anna Bradshaw are speaking at the International Symposium on Economic Crime


Keith Oliver discusses unexplained wealth, AML, financial intermediaries and the risk of being sued at the 36th International Symposium on Economic Crime in Cambridge. Anna Bradshaw discusses the limits to transparency and responsibility for other people’s wealth and what might the future offer. Read more. 

Partner Anna Bradshaw quoted in Reuters article on economic sanctions against Syria


Anna Bradshaw comments on the differences US and EU economic sanctions against Syria and the potential obstacles to enforcing both. Read more.

Partner Anna Bradshaw discusses the prospect of an independent EU mechanism for payments to Iran in Payments Compliance


Anna Bradshaw, a partner at Peters & Peters, is quoted in an article in Payments Compliance on the difficulties of establishing a separate payments channel to support continuing EU business with Iran following the withdrawal of the US from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on Iran (JCPOA). Read more.

Partner Anna Bradshaw comments on US proposals to sanction professional services providers in the Times


Anna Bradshaw comments on US proposals to sanction professional services providers in the Times, expressing concerns about the implications for sanctions compliance and human rights. Read more.

The Law Society Gazette discusses new mega-money Russian dispute on which Peters & Peters is advising


Another high-profile foreign dispute, this time related to a stake in a Russian fishing company valued at more than a billion pounds, has opened in the High Court – though the relevance of England and Wales as a jurisdiction has again been called into question. Read more.

Partner Jasvinder Nakhwal speaks at GCR Live’s 10th annual conference in Brussels


Partner Jasvinder Nakhwal chairs a panel of eminent practitioners discussing the role of the employee and current issues in competition matters at GCR Live Brussels. Read more.

Partner Anna Bradshaw is speaking at the Law Commission’s launch of a consultation paper on the reform of the anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing reporting regimes


The Law Commission is hosting a symposium to coincide with the launch of a consultation paper on how to reform the reporting regimes to optimise prevention, detection and prosecution of money laundering and terrorism financing in the UK, Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing: Reforming the Reporting Regimes.  Partner Anna Bradshaw is speaking on a panel discussing litigation arising […]