Partner Anna Bradshaw discusses global sanctions in The Law Society Gazette


Partner Anna Bradshaw comments on the implications for UK businesses and their lawyers of the latest sanctions developments in the US and EU, including the prospect of EU blocking legislation and the added dimension of post-Brexit UK sanctions. Read more.

Partner Nick Vamos is quoted in The Independent discussing the potential effect of Brexit on pre-trial detention following extradition from the UK


Britons may be at risk of languishing for years awaiting trial in a foreign jail if a crucial protection within the EAW scheme is lost after Brexit. Nick Vamos, former head of extradition at the Crown Prosecution Service, told The Independent that the price for securing a new criminal justice deal with EU could be […]

USKOK v AY: Advocate General’s Opinion on EAW case published


On 28 February 2018, Peters & Peters represented the CEO of a multinational company in preliminary reference proceedings before the Court of Justice of the European Union. The reference concerns the circumstances in which EU Member States are obliged to execute European Arrest Warrants (EAWs), and in particular the proper application of the principle of […]

Partner Jasvinder Nakhwal chairs panel discussion on dawn raids at the 27th annual Advanced EU Competition Law Conference in London


Partner Jasvinder Nakhwal is speaking at the Advanced EU Competition Law Conference, chairing a workshop offering a practical toolkit on how to survive dawn raids. Read more.

Anna Bradshaw discusses global sanctions compliance after the demise of the Iran nuclear deal in The Times Brief


Partner Anna Bradshaw is quoted on the prospect of EU blocking legislation and the broader repercussions of the US withdrawal from the Joint Common Plan of Action (JCPOA) for global sanctions regulation. Read more.

Partner Hannah Laming joins the panel at the Krakow IBA Transnational Crime Conference


Partner Hannah Laming discusses the risks and implications of money laundering, asset freezes and civil forfeiture in international criminal investigations on the panel at the Krakow IBA Transnational Crime Conference. Read more.

Partner Anna Bradshaw is quoted in ACAMS article on AML cooperation and prudential supervision


Commenting on a letter from the European Commission to the European Supervisory authorities calling for ‘collective reflection’ on how to improve AML cooperation and prudential supervision, Anna observes that increased AML supervision at the EU level could see banks lose their licenses before national regulators take action. “While it is too early to predict what […]

Senior Partner Michael O’Kane comments on sanctions at WSJ briefing


The risk of breaching Russian sanctions remains a top concern for European banks, corporations and wealthy individuals despite market tensions surrounding the U.S. withdrawal from the Iran deal. Some wealthy Russians in London are concerned about their ability to use their bank accounts, as financial institutions are closing accounts to avoid the risk of sanctions […]

Partner Anna Bradshaw comments on Iran nuclear deal


Anna Bradshaw is quoted on the practical difficulties in connection with the implementation of the Joint Common Plan of Action (JCPOA) on Iran, as a result of parallel anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing standards produced by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).  Anna notes, “Trade with Iran is ostensibly encouraged, in recognition of the key […]

Mara Lemos Stein at The Wall Street Journal will be chairing a panel session on sanctions risk with Senior Partner Michael O’Kane and Justine Walker of UK Finance


Foreign subsidiaries of U.S. companies have six months to leave Iran, according to U.S. government guidance released alongside President Donald Trump’s decision Tuesday to exit the nuclear agreement. The Iran agreement lifted some U.S. and international sanctions in exchange for Tehran freezing its nuclear program but Mr, Trump called it “defective at its core” during […]