Partner Anna Bradshaw gives evidence to the House of Lords EU Home Affairs Sub-Committee as a member of the Law Society’s EU Committee


The inquiry will examine the practical and legal challenges for negotiating a security treaty with the EU, and what such a treaty might cover. Read more.

Partner Anna Bradshaw comments on proposal to compel UK overseas territories to adopt public ownership registers


Partner Anna Bradshaw tells ACAMS that introducing public registers in the overseas territories may prove only marginally helpful to banks when screening clients or transactions for illicit activity. “You can’t rely on information obtained from public registers as a substitute for your own due diligence,” Bradshaw said. “At most they’re helpful as an additional […]

Partner Nick Vamos gives evidence to the EU Home Affairs Sub-Committee


Nick Vamos, Partner at Peters & Peters and former Head of Extradition at the CPS, recently gave evidence to the EU Home Affairs Sub-Committee. The Sub-Committee looked at a range of issues related to post Brexit extradition and the challenges for negotiating a security treaty with the EU, and discussed the ‘awkward squad’ of countries […]

Partner Neil Swift and Associate Miranda Ching are representing Dr Aleksandr Kogan, the Cambridge University professor at the centre of the Cambridge Analytica and Facebook data scandal.


Partner Neil Swift and Associate Miranda Ching are representing Dr Aleksandr Kogan, the Cambridge University professor at the centre of the Cambridge Analytica and Facebook data scandal. Kogan gave evidence before the Parliamentary Select Committee this week as part of the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee’s inquiry into fake news.

Partner Anna Bradshaw is speaking at the Advanced Forum on Economic Sanctions Enforcement and Compliance conference in Washington DC


Partner Anna Bradshaw is speaking on Iran Sanctions at the Advanced Forum on Economic Sanctions Enforcement and Compliance. Read more.

European Sanctions blog is selected as one of the Top 30 European Law Blogs on the web


The most comprehensive list of Top 30 European Law Blogs has been released and the European Sanctions blog, co-written by Senior Partner, Michael O’Kane. Read more.

Partner Hannah Laming’s article is published in The Brief, “City watchdog needs more manpower to maintain fairness”.


With Brexit threatening to take up much of its energy, the Financial Conduct Authority will need greater resources to cope with a rise in investigations, writes Hannah Laming. Read more.

Senior Partner Michael O’Kane is quoted in Bloomberg’s article ‘Britain Targets Russian Billionaires’.


As the U.S. goes after a handful of Russian oligarchs with its latest round of sanctions, the U.K. is under pressure domestically and from abroad to tighten controls and shed its reputation as a place to launder corrupt money. Senior Partner and Head of Business Crime Michael O’Kane, says a number of Russians have recently […]

Senior Partner Michael O’Kane is quoted in the FT article ‘US sanctions on oligarchs set to resonate globally’.


The latest round of US sanctions against Russian oligarchs and political officials have been designed to wound parts of the country’s economy. But the pain is also likely to be felt far away from Moscow. “These sanctions are going to make it very difficult for any western bank to deal with these companies or individuals,” […]

Head of International Keith Oliver comments in The Sunday Times on how former bankers are benefitting from a litigation bonanza


In the aftermath of the financial crisis, former bankers are cashing in on a litigation boom. Keith Oliver, Head of International at the litigation specialist Peters & Peters. “Now it’s not simply a question of resolving disputes — it has become a business. These funders treat litigation as though it is a commodity. That’s fed […]