Of Counsel Anna Bradshaw discusses Brexit and how it might impact the EU Arrest Warrant


Anna speaks to Sputnik about how Brexit might impact on extradition between the UK and the remaining EU member states, and ongoing cooperation between British and other law enforcement agencies. Anna suggests that “after Brexit, when UK authorities make extradition requests, they may find them being treated as less of a priority than requests from other EU member states.” Read […]

Rachel Cook discusses the Annual Financial Crime Report in Financier Worldwide.


Business Crime Associate, Rachel Cook explains the Financial Conduct Authorities (FCA) Annual Financial Crime Reports (REP-CRIM), which came into effect on 21 December 2016. She highlights that “most regulated firms that are subject to the Money Laundering Regulations 200 will have to submit REP-CRIMS”. To understand more, read Rachel’s full article here.

Head of International Keith Oliver talks life outside the law


In a recent lifestyle piece for the The Brief, Keith Oliver shares his passions outside of work including his love of cars, football, travel and of course his family. Keith has over 36 years’ experience at the front line of crisis management and as Head of International for the firm heads our Civil Fraud and Commercial […]

Partner Jasvinder Nakhwal comments on Vijay Mallya’s extradition hearing in The Economic Times


Jasvinder explains that “when the case returns to court, the District Judge is likely to set down a timetable for the service of any evidence to be submitted by either side in the proceedings, and list a date for a final hearing. “There might be a few more hearings in this case in the coming months […]

Senior Partner Michael O’Kane to discuss financial crime in arbitration cases at the 3rd Annual GAR Live Energy Disputes Conference.


Michael O’Kane to speak as part of a panel discussion titled – Scene setting: Energy Transitions – where, when, how? The panel will discuss: Is contract sanctity defensible in light of the regulatory changes enforced unevenly across sectors and regions? Will climate change litigation take off, and if so in which form? Who would be […]

Peters & Peters hosts the Female Fraud Forum – “The Criminal Finance Bill – A Radical Change”


On 6 June, we were delighted to host the Female Fraud Forum (FFF)’s educational event. Barnaby Hone of Drystone Chambers spoke of the ‘Criminal Finance Bill – A Radical Change’. We welcomed a group of over 50 solicitors, barristers and accountants working in both the private and public sector, specialising financial regulation, criminal and civil […]

Partner Neil Swift to speak at the European Fraud and Compliance Lawyers Conference 2017 – Crisis Management


Business Crime partner, Neil Swift, is speaking on the ‘Internal Investigations’ panel made up of practitioners from multiple jurisdictions, who will discuss various aspects of crossborder internal investigations. The panel will cover issues such as: Whistleblowing Setup of internal investigations Commencing an internal investigation Cooperation with law enforcement agencies For more information, see the full conference […]

Associate Miranda Ching discusses changes to the pre-charge bail procedures in the June issue of the Barrister


Miranda examines the hidden ‘landmines’ in the recent amendments to the pre-charge bail procedures in the Policing and Crime Act 2017, which impact clients under criminal investigation. Miranda’s article explores the lesser-known amendments to the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 which have the effect of lengthening overall police bail periods in a significant manner. […]

Michael O’Kane comments on SFO litigation privilege claim.


Senior Partner and counsel to Richard Boath, Michael O’Kane, was quoted in the recent Global Investigation Review (GIR) article “SFO claims privilege over Barclays Qatar interview transcripts”. Michael said that “this is an unprecedented argument” from the authority…to our knowledge, this may be the first time an authority have ever made this argument.” To read […]

Jonathan Tickner chairs International Asset Recovery Conference in Hong Kong


Partner, Jonathan Tickner is co-chair of the 3rd Annual C5 Fraud, Asset Tracing & Recovery conference. Jonathan to share his opening remarks on Day two, see the full conference agenda here.