Peters & Peters Charitable Giving


Peters & Peters is delighted to share with you that during the financial year 2016/17 we raised a total of £17,706 for our chosen charity, Contact the Elderly. We set a fundraising target of £16,000, so we are thrilled to have exceeded this. We would like to extend our thanks to all of our friends […]

Indian tycoon Vijay Mallya likely to challenge extradition, legal expert Jasvinder Nakhwal explains


Indiatoday reports that Vijay Mallya is likely to challenge his extradition to India from the UK on the grounds that the charges against him are politically motivated, Business Crime partner, Jasvinder Nakhwal states. Mallya was arrested on fraud allegations which triggered an official extradition process in the UK extradition court. Jasvinder explains the grounds on […]

TXF Amsterdam – Commodity Finance meets Trade and Treasury


Senior Partner, Michael O’Kane, is presenting a workshop – ‘Sanction blueprint: How to be prepared’, on day one of the TXF Amsterdam conference in Amsterdam. Michael’s practical workshop will help you to map out a plan for making sure you’re compliant with current sanctions in place. It will help you understand the best ways to get deals […]

Should the UK pay financial rewards to whistleblowers?


UK authorities have so far balked at the suggestion of introducing significant US-style financial rewards for whistleblowers. Business crime partner, Hannah Laming asks if it is time for a rethink in a recent article published by The Banker. Hannah is also quoted in a piece published by the Financial Times, ‘Foreign banks in UK to follow new rules on […]

New Corporate Criminal Offence of Failure to Prevent the Facilitation of Tax Evasion Conference


Business Crime partner, Hannah Laming recently spoke at this conference, her presentation titled “Lessons learnt from the Bribery Act 2010 implementation and similar initiatives” covered: Similarities between the s7 UKBA offence and ss 44 & 45 of the Criminal Finances Bill Relevant FCA rules re systems and controls Analysis of failings identified by the FCA categorised […]

IBA Annual Litigation Forum Conference – Innovation in Litigation


Head of International, Keith Oliver, is the chair of a presentation on day two of this three day conference, ‘Innovation in Litigation – Prepared for 2027’. Keith is the chair of the presentation titled, ‘How to adjust to Brexit’ – Confused? You will be after the next episode of Brexit….back to the future of Europe – the sage […]

Jonathan Tickner speaking at the International Contentious Trusts and Fraud Conference


Partner, Jonathan Tickner, is speaking at the ‘International Contentious Trusts and Fraud Conference: Show me the money’, in Barcelona this May. Jonathan’s discussion is titled ‘The Fraudulent settlor: obtaining information about and freezing the trusts assets‘, he is joined by John Machell QC (Serle Court) and Eleanor Morgan (Mourant Ozannes). This conference is hosted by Boodle […]

Introduction of the Annual Financial Crime Report: Are you ready?


Business Crime Associate, Rachel Cook, discusses the introduction of the ‘Annual Financial Crime Report’ (REP – CRIM), to be used by the Financial Conduct Authority to gather information on financial crime. All firms subjected to the Money Laundering Regulations 2007 will have to submit a REP-CRIME to the FCA. Read Rachel’s full article in the […]

Dr Anna Bradshaw discusses the new powers conferred on the UK’s Financial Sanction Enforcer


A Bloomberg commentary on the enforcement powers now available to the UK’s Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI), ‘UK Sanctions Boss Sees US Style Results in New Powers’, speculates on whether the UK agency will seek to emulate the approach to enforcement adopted by its US counterparts. In addition to OFSI’s Head, Dr Anna Bradshaw […]

American Bar Association (ABA) Section of International Law, 2017 Spring Meeting


Dr. Anna Bradshaw to speak on the 28 April as part of a panel discussion titled ‘Extraterritorial reach: are there no limits?’. The panel will address extraterritorial reach and whether there are limits on such for ambiguity in the laws of countries, the reasonable standard in U.S. Supreme Court antitrust decisions, and the various means […]