Sanctions & Export Controls
- Acting for Eugene Shvidler in the first de-designation court challenge to the UK’s Russia sanctions.
- Represented Integral Concierge Services Ltd in enforcement proceedings brought by OFSI.
- Representing Dmitrii Ovsyannikov in the UK’s first criminal prosecution of alleged sanctions breaches under the Sanctions and Money Laundering Act 2018.
- Acted for Igor Makarov in his successful de-listing by the UK Government.
- We brought a successful ministerial review challenge in Khasis, and are set to bring the first judicial challenge to the UK’s Russian sanctions regime in a London court.
- We successfully brought an application to annul our client’s EU financial sanctions designation, culminating with the Council’s decision to de-list him (Abdelkader Sabra v Council of the European Union, judgment of the EU General Court of 16 March 2022).
- We secured a 95% reduction in a compound penalty levied on our client following an HM Revenue & Customs export controls and trade sanctions investigation.