When is ‘green’ a red flag? Identifying eco fraud and supply chain risks


In March, the UK government released its Green Finance Strategy, setting out plans to attract investment to help achieve the country’s net zero ambitions. Then, a month later, the National Fraud Strategy came out, revealing that fraud is “by far” the UK’s most common crime, representing 40% of offences in England and Wales. However, no […]

Activist investors and NGOs leaving regulators in their wake


On May 12, ClientEarth, the environmental law charity, saw its claim against the directors of Shell plc dismissed by the UK High Court. The claim has been touted as a “world-first lawsuit”: a derivative action against directors of a listed company for failing to manage climate-change risks that was backed by institutional investors. The claim […]

BNP Paribas climate case could prompt wider litigation against banking sector


In February, three French NGOs, Friends of the Earth France, Notre Affaire à Tous and Oxfam France, launched proceedings in France against BNP Paribas, Europe’s largest bank, in connection with its financing of fossil fuel polluters and thus failing to comply with its obligations under the French corporate duty of vigilance law, which came into […]

ESG: a load of old greenwash?


Transition to net zero in the UK and in many other jurisdictions relies heavily upon consumer and investor pressure, combined with environmental social governance (ESG) disclosure requirements. While there are some sectors of the economy which are well placed to deliver in this regard, the development sector being one, there is a Wild West elsewhere, […]

“Greenwashing” – CMA investigations are not going away


With more businesses using sustainability as a marketing tool, in a bid to attract environmentally aware consumers or to secure investment in environmental, social and governance (ESG)-related funds, it was only a matter of time before “green” or “eco-friendly” claims would attract the regulators’ attention. In July 2022, the UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) […]

Maria Cronin

Climate campaigners sue BNP Paribas over fossil fuel finance


Three French NGOs – Oxfam France, Friends of the Earth France and Notre Affaire à Tous – are bringing proceedings in France against BNP Parisbas, one of Europe’s largest financial institutions, in connection with its financing of fossil fuel polluters. The trio is arguing that the bank is failing to comply with its obligations under […]