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ESG: a load of old greenwash?


Transition to net zero in the UK and in many other jurisdictions relies heavily upon consumer and investor pressure, combined with environmental social governance (ESG) disclosure requirements. While there are some sectors of the economy which are well placed to deliver in this regard, the development sector being one, there is a Wild West elsewhere, […]

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“Greenwashing” – CMA investigations are not going away


With more businesses using sustainability as a marketing tool, in a bid to attract environmentally aware consumers or to secure investment in environmental, social and governance (ESG)-related funds, it was only a matter of time before “green” or “eco-friendly” claims would attract the regulators’ attention. In July 2022, the UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) […]

Maria Cronin

Climate campaigners sue BNP Paribas over fossil fuel finance


Three French NGOs – Oxfam France, Friends of the Earth France and Notre Affaire à Tous – are bringing proceedings in France against BNP Parisbas, one of Europe’s largest financial institutions, in connection with its financing of fossil fuel polluters. The trio is arguing that the bank is failing to comply with its obligations under […]

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British standard on modern slavery: incidents and remediation


At the end of September 2022, almost seven years after the introduction of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, standard 25700:2022 of the British Standards Institution (BSI) came into effect, offering guidance and recommendations on organisational responses to modern slavery. As explained in this series, the standard provides a practical roadmap for navigating the complex modern […]

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British standard on modern slavery: key systems and controls


At the end of September 2022, almost seven years after the introduction of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, standard 25700:2022 of the British Standards Institution (BSI) came into effect, offering guidance and recommendations on organisational responses to modern slavery. As explained in the first part of our four-part series, the standard provides a practical roadmap […]

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Walk the walk – Maria Cronin and Cécile Nicod in Governance + Compliance


With more and more brands sprucing up their green credentials when marketing their wares in a bid to attract environmentally conscious customers and funders, it was only a matter of time before ESG regulation was going to escalate around the world, with authorities and non-governmental bodies slowly but surely homing in on corporates involved in […]

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British standard on modern slavery: key expectations for legal, compliance and senior management


At the end of September 2022, almost seven years after the introduction of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, standard 25700:2022 of the British Standards Institution (BSI) came into effect, offering guidance and recommendations on organisational responses to modern slavery. As explained in the first part of our four-part series on the standard, the standard provides […]

Peters & Peters

2022: the year of the greenwashing investigation?


Twelve months ago, most legal commentators would have looked to their crystal balls and felt on relatively safe ground when predicting 2022 as the “Year of Covid-fraud enforcement”. While, at least in the UK, that is yet to eventuate in any meaningful way, a less expected development has been the global regulatory focus on “greenwashing” […]

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New British standard gives guidance on organisational responses to modern slavery


On 30 September 2022, almost seven years after the introduction of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, standard 25700:20221 of the British Standards Institution (BSI) came into effect. This offers guidance and recommendations on organisational responses to modern slavery. The standard, which applies to all organisations regardless of type, size and activity, recognises that drivers for tackling […]

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‘Greenwashing’: fashion industry in the spotlight


In July, the UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) launched an inquiry into ASOS, Boohoo and George at Asda to investigate potentially misleading ‘green’ claims by the three fashion brands.   The watchdog is concerned that some of the firms’ fashion products are being marketed as being eco-friendly and sustainable, even though the businesses may […]